On 2006-02-03 13:57, david bryce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We finally got everything to work using sshd2 [...]

Cool!  Thanks for posting the details as a followup.  Unfortunately, the
"Attention Foo Bar" stuff in the subject will make it hard for people
looking in mailing list archives by subject to find the response, but at
least it works for thread-sorted messages.

Having the way this work in the archives is a definite plus though :)

> Regarding the previous thread about CVS: CVS imports now work
> perfectly (using the CVSUMASK, which now works because we're
> using SSH instead of pserver connections).

Heh.  I sort of expected that.  CVS through ssh is cool and it also lets
you commit securely from any place around the world, as long as you have
the keys set up correctly ;)))

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