Marc G. Fournier wrote:
You can say you are losing out on 'stability fixes', else the server itself wouldn't stay up that long ... so about the only thing you lose would be performance related improvements and/or stuff like memory leakage ...

And I could do this all *without* any firewalls protecting it ...

Even if you managed to maintain an old version of a particular OS's uptime for so long, what did you prove?

Wasn't arguing that I "proved" anything, only that a long uptime could be achieved *without* any security implications :)
Point taken :-)

IMHO 'uptime' as a 'feature' is overrated, not to say obsolete.

Agreed 100% ... Availability is the useful metric, not how long a stretch of time the OS can remain running ... not necessarily worded the best way, but our uptime policy ( was such that we tried to upgrade our servers once every 30 days or so ... not always possible, and lately less so, but it was our aim ...
Actually it sounds quite reasonable.

I used to work for a major IT corporation and their SLA didn't
amount to much more than that in that particular class of service
(i.e. not highly available and/or clustered machines).
But they needed a lot more words, to spread the wealth to the legal departments of all parties involved.

I'm not entirely against such efforts of long uptimes.
I strongly believe in efforts to back up rumor with fact, as in
the rumor 'FreeBSD is rock-solid'.
Actually I believe it is, but I can't prove it beyond talking
of my own experience with it.

IMHO a lot of so-called fact is actually hear-say or anecdotal,
either because the people spreading these 'facts' don't bother to
update their info, the info is purely from each sysadmins personal
experience and/or because there's a lack of info that is standardised
and repeatable.

So this web-site's effort, although similar to the Netcraft uptime stats, is quite alright since it's a first step towards getting some numbers.
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