dick hoogendijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Up 'till now all my (home) netwrok computers are cabled.
> My FreeBSD-6.1PR is hidden in the closet (I want no noise!)
> The problem is my new notebook -- it's wireless. so now I have to
> learn how to deal with this.
> I don't want my server leaving the closet (too much noise).
> Can someone give me some reading pointers on how to tackle this
> problem?

man ifconfig
man ath
man if_bridge
> I.e.: is it possible to connect an wireless access point to my router?

It's possible and probably the easiest solution,
but neither the cheapest nor the best.

> Or is it better to change the router into a wireless router (can
> signals go through wooden doors?. It's all very confusing and I'm
> willing to learn! ;-)

If you already have a FreeBSD-based router, just add a wlan nic which
has hostap support. You will pay less and get a far more powerful

Wooden doors shouldn't be a problem, but you'll have to see for


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