On Tue, 2002-12-24 at 20:57, Gary D Kline wrote:
>       Hi People,
>       I've switched back to ipf/ipf.rules until I can figure out 
>       how to get dhcp working with ipfw.  Does anyone have any 
>       idea why the following messages are being output to
>       /var/log/messages?   --These messages may not be a concern
>       since named really *is* running.  
>       This looks like a packet-filter issue and I am stumped?
>       Anybody??
>       thanks in advance for and insights,
>       gary

> (date) sage /usr/local/sbin/named[722]: starting BIND 9.1.3 -c /etc/namedb/named.conf
> (date) sage /usr/local/sbin/named[722]: could not listen on UDP socket: address in 
> (date) sage /usr/local/sbin/named[722]: creating IPv4 interface dc0 failed; 
>interface ignored
> (date) sage /usr/local/sbin/named[722]: could not listen on UDP socket: address in 
> (date) sage /usr/local/sbin/named[722]: creating IPv4 interface dc1 failed; 
>interface ignored
> (date) sage /usr/local/sbin/named[722]: could not listen on UDP socket: address in 
> (date) sage /usr/local/sbin/named[722]: creating IPv4 interface lo0 failed; 
>interface ignored
> (date) sage /usr/local/sbin/named[722]: not listening on any interfaces
> (date) sage /usr/local/sbin/named[722]: could not get query source dispatcher
> (date) sage /usr/local/sbin/named[722]: loading configuration: address in use
> (date) sage /usr/local/sbin/named[722]: exiting (due to fatal error)

I don't use IPF here, I'm not sure that the above messages are indeed
anything to do with the packet filter.

*Which* named is running? - sockstat -4l | grep -i named

If anything, I'd try investigating what *is* using (presumably 53) the
address space requried by bind. If it proves to be some "other" named
process, I'd try stopping and restarting bind.


Stacey Roberts
B.Sc (HONS) Computer Science

Web: www.vickiandstacey.com

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