in bsd 6, i have to recompile the kernel to add atapicam. ok, fine. the part of the config file that gets me is this:

machine         i386
cpu             I486_CPU
cpu             I586_CPU
cpu             I686_CPU
ident           GENERIC

the machine i386, i get. all intel PC's since the 386 have used a common basic instruction set and the developers just want to build in something in case intel pulls an Apple Computer on us. the rest is what i don't understand. 486 isn't mentioned in the NOTES file, 586 is just pentium, and 686 is pentium pro. I have a P4 1.4 gig intel chip in my system, what should these settings be? if i remove 486 and 686 does that give me any performance advantage or are these settings defaults because they are ment to be defaults and i should just be quiet about it.
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