Nikolas Britton wrote:

This and all the other benchmarks you've run are useless. Run a real
benchmark like iozone. It's in ports under benchmarks/iozone.
Please can you be careful when you attribute your comments. You've sent this email "to" me, and left only my name in the attributions as if I were someone suggesting either dd or diskinfo as accurate benchmarks, when in fact my contribution was to suggest unixbench and sandra-lite. Maybe you hate those too, in which case you can quote what I said in-context and rubbish that at your pleasure.

The OP sent poor-throughput dd stats, and I explained why they were poor. The OP then complained that diskinfo -t stats weren't up to snuff, so I contributed mine because they were comparable and I couldn't see why he(?) didn't like his(?). I would contend that the statement "all the other benchmarks you've run are useless" is grandiose over-generalisation. Both dd (with a sensible blocksize) and diskinfo -t will give you useful information. One might be an idiot to trust the data to several decimal places, but if the result from both was, say, a transfer rate of 5Mb/s when you expected 50Mb/s, you could conclude that something was up. Of course neither mimics real-world behaviour; but both likely provide reasonable maxima. You may find that "useless", but with no explanation for your reasoning, your statement isn't terribly helpful.


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