I don't replace parts that work fine, so yeah, they're carried over from an old system. I wasn't whining about it having hiccups, merely asking if it was the SCSI that was the problem, or if I need to look at something else. I'm not used at the SCSI drives causing installation issues, only crappy windows.

And btw: just because you know how to build a computer, doesn't mean you have the slightest about how to read or modify C code.


Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
They changed the cd boot standard to be an inclusive one, now both
new scsi and atapi readers can boot from the same cd.  The older scsi
readers used a different boot standard. If you google you can find
some 3-4 year old discussion about this issue.

People that assemble their own PCs from parts they have usually
are the first to find these incompatabilites out.  I don't know of
a single builder today that uses SCSI cd's in a new athlon system so
I am betting 10 to one your reader is left over from an older system,
or you bought everything separately.

Not that this is bad, but people who choose to deviate from the
cookie cutter piece-o-craps that Dell and HP squeeze out, should
not whine and complain when unexpected things happen - if your a big
enough boy to put together your own system, instead of sucking down
the canned crap that's out there, your expected to fix your own problems.

The source code is available, use it.


Rene Brehmer
aka Metalbunny

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