I want to make a directory writable by one user, and readable by
another.  It should be owned by the web server UID, and the group
should be the gid of my normal login user.

%ls -ld /home/pergesu/logs
drwxr-x---  6 www  pergesu  512 Feb 23 13:05 /home/pergesu/logs

However, the www user apparently can't read/write to that dir.  I gave
'www' a real shell just to try it out:
%sudo su www
%ls -ld /home/pergesu/logs
ls: /home/pergesu/logs: Permission denied

I don't get why it's doing Permission denied there.  www has r/w/x
access to that dir.  It doesn't, however, have read access to
/home/pergesu, so that's my only guess.  I don't want to make
/home/pergesu readable by everyone though of course.  Isn't that what
permissions are all about?

I'd appreciate any help.

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