
It is not 'BSD based [wish it was] but rather than reinvent the wheel, I would strongly recommend you try out IP-Cop http://ipcop.org/ A mere 20MB download gets you a CD ISO image that installs the whole Linux based firewall on a PC. Up to 4 interfaces, web configuration, traffic statistics, snort, transparent squid proxy, DHCP, VPN, just about anything you would probably want.

From FreeBSD area of specialized firewalls:
Based on 4.x/ipf,ipfw etc. there is m0n0wall (http://www.m0n0.ch/wall/).
Based on 6.x/pf etc. there is pfSense (http://www.pfsense.com).

From Linux area of specialized firewalls there is also Shurdix available (http://www.shurdix.org/).

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