I was trying to set up a shoutcast server on my freebsd 5.3 machine, for my
surprise there was alredy a port to it, so my only job was to cd to the
shoutcast port directory and make install, after that I wrote the
configuration file, chmoded it to the proper permissions, and ran it with no
warnings or errors, so whats the problem? It randomly crashes! the weird
thing is that no log file is created  and the only hint  it gives me is at
/var/log/messages  :  kernel: pid 27670 (sc_serv), uid 210: exited on signal
Any idea of what may cause this problem?

Ive alredy tried on the official shoutcast forums and there are a couple of
persons with the same problem but there are no replies to their posts, so
any help you can give me guys would be really appreciated. Thanks
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