Agreed, mod comes with phpN:

# pkg_info | grep php
php4-4.4.2_1        PHP Scripting Language (Apache Module and CLI)

# httpd -t -D DUMP_MODULES
Loaded Modules:
 core_module (static)
 php4_module (shared)
Syntax OK


On 3/30/06, Kevin Kinsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> S W wrote:
> >Bill,
> >
> >Thank you for the prompt response.
> >
> >php4 now installed without mod_php4, configured httpd.conf - and
> >everything seems to be working.
> >
> >Incidentally, acid no longer needs phplot, but is using jdgraph, instead.
> >
> >Best wishes,
> >boink
> >
> >
> Keep in mind that PHP comes in three formats:
> 1.  The relatively familiar Apache module.
> 2.  A CGI interpreter/module/executable.
> 3.  A CLI interpreter/executable.
> IIRC, and you should read the docs, NOTES, README,
> etc.  /www/mod_phpN is only #1.  lang/phpN is superior*,
> in that it installs the Apache module and the CLI/CGI
> depending on how it's configured**.
> HTH,
> Kevin Kinsey
> * IMHO, of course.
> ** I'm not sure I'm interpreting it correctly.  I *always* use
> lang/php and get module/CLI.  I *think* I could get CGI
> instead with a config knob ... but it's not necessary, since
> my CGI scripts could call the CLI with the appropriate
> switch anyway, and AFAIK there's not a great deal of
> difference between CGI and CLI --- one notable is that
> CGI auto-prepends the HTML header.
> --
> In /users3 did Kubla Kahn
> A stately pleasure dome decree,
> Where /bin, the sacred river ran
> Through Test Suites measureless to Man
> Down to a sunless C.
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