I certainly get this logged in /var/log/messages. Perhaps check your settings?
Peter Harrison

-----Original Message-----
From: Logan McNaughton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 30 March 2006 15:41
To: Harrison Peter CSA BIRKENHEAD
Subject: Re: Terminal in the background

thanks, what log file shows shutdown notices? because I type shutdown -p +10, 
and nothing shows up in that file

On 3/30/06, Harrison Peter CSA BIRKENHEAD < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

>From: "Logan McNaughton" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Terminal in the background
>To: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org  <mailto:freebsd-questions@freebsd.org> 
>       < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 
> I dunno if this goes more in an X window mailing list, but hopefully you
>guys can help
>How do I put a terminal in the background of my X display (ie a window, full
>screen, no border, transparent), I dont even need to be able to type, I just 
>want to be able to see system shutdown notices and the likes.
>Does it matter what window manager im using? (icewm)

Do a search for "roottail" or "root-tail" - I think it's in the ports. It's a 
small app that tails a file on your root X window. You can tail 
/var/log/messages to pick up system notices and such like. 

Should do exactly what you're after.


Peter Harrison.

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