On Sunday 02 April 2006 15:22, Chris wrote:
> On 31/03/06, Peter Thoenen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hallo everybody.  Will prob end up PR'ing this but want to post
> > to the list first and get some feelers.  At first I thought it
> > was just me but as the port maintainer for tor-devel I have had a
> > couple other folk email me with the exact same problem (believing
> > tor to be the cause). Its not.
> >
> > Problem: When tor (running in server mode), i2p, or freenet is
> > ran (all high bandwidth, high number of concurrent tcp / udp / ip
> > connections, maybe 2000+ sim connects @ a constant 4 mb) between
> > the 2 and 4 hour mark a system running FBSD 6 will hard crash and
> > power off.  This is reproducible (though not on demand, just on
> > arbitrary time between 2 and 4 hours).
> >
> > Troubleshooting so far:
> >
> > - It is NOT an issue on 5.x.  It is an issue on both 6.0 and
> > 6.1BETA4.
> >
> >
> > - It is not easy to reproduce.  I assume a couple hundred people
> > use these ports and I have only had a dozen or so report this
> > problem to me.  All of the people suffering from this though CAN
> > reproduce this crash on demand.  I have to assume though the
> > other 99% of users though do not see this error for unknown
> > reasons.
> >
> > - It is not a port issue (as tor/i2p/freenet all can cause it). 
> > It is not a java issue (was another early worry of mine but tor
> > is written in C).
> >
> > - The hard crash does NOT generate a dump or panic for anybody I
> > have spoken with.  /var/crash comes up empty every time.
Ok, so the machines hard lock and require power cycling them?  I'd 
advise throwing in a firewire card into one of these systems and 
setup remote debugging.  There should be some info on the web for 
getting this setup.  With the firewire debugging you should be able 
to access the systems memory space remotely even if there is a hard 
lock and the OS is not responding.  I haven't setup this last part 
myself, but I'm pretty sure I read it was possible.

Anish Mistry

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