On Monday 10 April 2006 09:26, Bryan Curl wrote:
> --- Lowell Gilbert
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Bryan Curl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > My apologies if this is a repost. It seems either
> >
> > I
> >
> > > had a gmail problem or list never posted the
> >
> > question.
> >
> > > I have subscribed with another address to monitor
> > > problem.
> > >
> > > Anyway, here is my question again.
> > >
> > > I get the following errors from dmesg on one of my
> >
> > ide
> >
> > > drives on boot.
> > > Other similar drives dont error and are setup the
> >
> > same
> >
> > > in bios (except cylinder & block config of course)
> > > System and this drive seem to work fine otherwise.
> >
> > I
> >
> > > re-fdisk this one but it still does this error.
> > >
> > > FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE-p6 #0: Tue Apr  4 09:43:53 MDT
> > > 2006
> > >
> > > ad1: 1916MB <Maxtor 72004 AP 2A3C0B31> at
> >
> > ata0-slave
> >
> > > WDMA2
> > > ad1: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=51<READY,DSC,ERROR>
> > > error=10<NID_NOT_FOUND> LBA=3924359
> > > ad1: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=51<READY,DSC,ERROR>
> > > error=10<NID_NOT_FOUND> LBA=3924343
> > > ad1: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=51<READY,DSC,ERROR>
> > > error=10<NID_NOT_FOUND> LBA=3924356
> > > ad1: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=51<READY,DSC,ERROR>
> > > error=10<NID_NOT_FOUND> LBA=3924359
> >
> > This is probably a hardware problem.  My first guess
> > would be
> > cabling.  Try swapping the cable.  And make sure
> > there is a master on
> > the bus if this one is probing as a slave.
> This is the primary slave drive. Primary master is the
> boot drive where OS lives. The master is cabled on the
> end connector and the slave is connected to the middle
> connector on the cable.
> The supplied documentation on the drive jumpers is
> vague at best. It only makes mention of one jumper
> (master or slave positions) There are 3 other jumpers
> on the drive that are not mentioned.
> Looks to me like DMA feature isn't working but I dont
> know if this is activated by a jumper or by firmware
> somehow.
> > > I  dont know what causes these errors either.
> > >
> > > dc0: failed to force tx and rx to idle state
> > > dc0: failed to force tx and rx to idle state
> >
> > The driver tried to force the transmitter and
> > receiver to be "idle"
> > temporarily, and failed.  There are a number of
> > different cases where
> > the driver tries to do this, so it's hard to guess
> > exactly what's
> > happening this time.  Some of the relevant variables
> > are: whether this
> > happens at boot time, whether it happens after an
> > underrun or overrun,
> > and which real controller chip you have.
> I have seen this error on every FreeBSD installation I
> have ever had. To my knowledge, it never seemed to
> bother anything. I just hate watching errors scroll by.

I solved this same error on my machine by adding
sysctl hw.ata.ata_dma=0
to /boot/loader.conf

That slows down drive access something fierce, but it worked for me. Once the 
machine has booted you may be able to turn DMA access back on with 

The problem was ultimately solved for me by upgrading to 6.1-PRERELEASE.

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but He didn't have an established user-base.
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