On 4/11/06, Fabian Keil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My hint is to post slightly more information.
> Fabian

Thanks again.  I figured this out, and am posting to help others who
might want to use this card (Linksys WMP54G).  Keep in mind that I'm
new to FreeBSD (using 6 RELEASE):

1) I was initially trying to use NDIsulator the way the manual says,
by manually running cvtndis.  During that trial and error process, I
ended up with a configuration that was missing if_config.ko.  To get
back to a good starting point I did decided to rebuild both ndis and

cd /sys/modules/ndis; make; make install;
cd /sys/modules/if_ndis; make; make install;

At this point, I was able to simply load the ndis module.  if_ndis was
automatically loaded as I verified using kldload (lots of the examples
I found show separate load commands for each).

2) I ran through the "new way" of building the module to wrap my
Linksys driver, using ndisgen.  I had only three files on my CD:
Rt61.INF, rt61.sys, rt61.cat.  I ignored the cat file, convinced after
some googling that it was not a binary the driver needed at runtime.

3) During the load of this third kernel module, I kept getting an error:
  failed to load /compat/ndis/rt2561s.bin
I searched my driver cd for this file and it was not there.  Finally,
I Googled it and after a while found myself looking at the ralink
support page:

Under firmware, they have a link to a zip file with the magical
rt2561s.bin file.  I burned this onto a cd (the only way I had to get
files onto my new BSD system), and placed it in /compat/ndis.

One more kernel reload... and things now work fine.

Hopefully these instructions will help others who wish to use the very
popular Linksys WMP54G card on BSD 6.

thanks again,
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