On 4/11/06, Ted Mittelstaedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I beg to differ Nikolas, there is still work that needs to be
> done on the disk driver.  See PR 95184.  It was right to shift the
> release schedule.
> I don't know what you running for hardware but I don't think many
> people really appreciate what is going on with SATA these days,
> how incredibly damn fast that mirrored SATA arrays of large 500Gb
> disks are wiping everything else off the map.
> In the servers that I have that ARE working with the new high
> speed SATA array chipsets, the disk I/O is an order of magnitude
> faster than anything else.  Faster than any UDMA drive, any SCSI
> array you want to throw at it.  And larger.  and a LOT cheaper.
> And disk space is getting so big so fast that mirroring is going
> to be the only option for desktops Real Soon Now, because when you
> have a gigabyte of disk space that is shipping standard with
> a desktop PC and costs only $200  (which will happen by the middle
> of next year) there's no way in hell that you can back that up
> to anything, the costs of tape storage for an office full of
> desktops like that would be out of the question.

Yes... tell me about it, I have a 2TB SATA-II array and it's cheaper
to backup that array to another, off-site, array then it is to go with
tape. Tape is way behind the times when compared with SATA/IDE disk

> And what is more frustrating is this is the best chance that has
> come along for years to kick the crap out of Linux market share.
> Linux support of SATA stinks, they are trying to send everyone to
> the 3rd parties for drivers rather than incorporating them in
> the Linux distros.  Well I can tell you that Ying-Tao cloney baloney
> motherboard maker in Asia who is using an off-the-shelf raided SATA
> chipset in their $1.99 motherboard-of-the-month, they aren't going
> to provide drivers for anything other than Windows.
> FreeBSD's support of mirrored sata and udma raid chips is already
> better than Linux, but it needs to be absolutely top flight before
> 6.1 ships.

The person you should thank is Søren Schmidt, http://www.deepcore.dk/

> You can get around a lot of hardware support problems - such as
> buggy drivers for the serial ports/network card/usb port/etc. -
> but if your disk driver is buggy you cannot even get an OS on
> the hardware that you can even patch.  You are dead in the water
> and 99% of the people in that situation are going to toss the
> FreeBSD 6.1 CD and go to something else.

I think the ICH7 sata problem has already been fixed, check the logs
here: http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/sys/dev/ata/ if not
jump onto the stable mailing list and start waving your hands.

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