On Apr 14, 2006, at 12:02 pm, Norberto Meijome wrote:

Thanks for the port! I actually installed the package because I wanted to get it working. No problems with it so far, although I've only done basic
stuff so far.

FWIW, i've just installed tkcvs, which supports both CVS and SVN (as well as RCS). it doesn't look as 'modern' as other apps, but it seems to work where
eSVN failed (doing a simple svn copy :-( ).

I haven't tried kdesvn - i refuse to install however many kde support packages
just to run the one app .

I'm quite fond of KDE so I was hoping to get something that would integrate in with everything else. When you've already got a 3 terabyte desktop system installed one more package won't hurt :)

Ideally I'd like to see something like TortoiseSVN. In fact, it's possibly the only Windows app I miss. KDEsvn goes some way to desktop integration - it's not perfect, but it's the best I've seen. esvn wound me up - it kept forgetting what folder I was working on for a start.

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