On Monday 17 April 2006 16:59, Brendan Grossman wrote:
> > > > Databases are stored in /var/db for security reasons
> > >
> > > Just curious... What are the security reasons? After some thought,
> > > here's what I'm planning on doing...
> > >
> > > Disk is 73gb scsi...
> > >
> > > / 500mb
> > > swap      4gb
> > > /var      4gb
> > > /usr      4gb
> > > /home     remainder (about 60gb)
> > >
> > > then /var/db/mysql -> /home/mysql
> > >
> > > and /tmp on swap
> > >
> > > Any possible issues with this?
> >
> > I think it unlikely that mounting /tmp on the swap partition
> > will work, because swap isn't a filesystem in the usual sense
> > of the word.
> http://users.rcn.com/rneswold/fbsd-init.html#AEN258

I stand corrected. I can still envision problems if tmp files use enough space 
to prevent a memory swap. Running out of swap space is not healthy.

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