On 4/18/06, Wes Santee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:
> > So what's up with gmail and freebsd sites? I haven't
> > seen a single message delivered to my inbox since
> > April 13. Not from mailing lists, not from gnats scripts -
> > nothing.
> >
> > I told the lists to send mail to my other address, I then
> > redirect from there back to gmail - and it works. So
> > gmail seems to block direct communications from the
> > freebsd servers only.
> >
> > And I'm not the only one to experience this:
> > http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-questions/2006-April/119155.html
> >
> > I've written to gmail support directly and through their
> > forums, but haven't yet received anything except for
> > the automated replies telling me that I'm an idiot and
> > pointing me to their faqs.
> >
> > I understand that if a problem of this magnitude stays
> > unresolved for more than 72 hours, I should probably
> > be looking for another mail service. What would you
> > suggest? I've already signed up for Yahoo Beta, but
> > it's not clear when I will receive the invitation.
> I had the same issue.  Are you by any chance labeling your incoming
> FreeBSD mail in GMail?  If so, I think there is some internal limit on
> the number of messages that can be assigned to a label.
> I had the same problem, and tried the same things (wrote to support,
> etc.).  Finally I moved my list subscriptions to a more reliable server.
> Then, on a whim, I started deleting old FreeBSD mail out of my GMail
> account.  I'd only used 350MB out of my allotment, so I was nowhere near
> my limit, but within *1 minute* of me starting to blow stuff away, I
> started getting mail again.
> Only thing I can think is that because I had -questions mail being
> labeled, I hit some cap.  Now everything that was backlogged the past
> few days is showing up.
> A lot of good 2GB of storage does me if there are internal caps to the
> *number of messages* (even if it's the number of messages in a label, I
> was receiving non-labeled e-mail just fine).

Technically, it might be related, but there are obivously no
such policies. I have close to 10000 messages from FreeBSD
sites. Most of them are labeled (per list), some are not. As I
said, I changed my subscription addresses to another server
and redirect mail from there back to gmail. It is fully transparent
to me, labels still work and mail is coming. So the only problem
was the direct freebsd.org-gmail.com communication channel.
Oddly enough, I start receiving mail, delayed by 2-3 days now.

Gmail still rocks, but I would surely appreciate an answer from
their support in the key of "we're working on it".
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