Jim Stapleton wrote:

Sorry, my reply got bounced back, didn't realize it, but I sent a
second reply, here it is again:

It's different this time though:

mount_smbfs: can not setup kernel iconv table (ISO8859-1:tolower):
syserr = Operation not permitted


On 4/18/06, Patrick Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jim Stapleton wrote:

That did not work either.


Unless I'm mistaken, "smbfs_load="YES"" should go into
/boot/loader.conf. Use kldstat to see if the module is loaded.

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"not work" how? Didn't load (wasn't listed by kldstat), or didn't work
when it *was* loaded?


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I'm over my head here, but i did some googling on "mount_smbfs: can not setup kernel iconv table" and got 216 hits. In a few of the solutions it states that you must be root to mount_smbfs. Check out google, it'll be more help than me at this point.

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