On 4/19/2006 7:22 PM Kevin Kinsey said the following:

Drew Tomlinson wrote:

I have a 6.0 system running on a P3 550 that
is rebooting every now and then due to a
trap 12 error. I've followed the steps at http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook/kerneldebug.html for getting a crash dump but I'm not getting dumps. Here's the relevant line from rc.conf:


And it seems to be OK as dumpon has no problem
when I set this manually:

blacksheep# dumpon -v /dev/da1s1b
kernel dumps on /dev/da1s1b

My swap partition is 750 MB and the total system
memory is 384 MB.  Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?



Unfortunately, no.  Read this today, though:


Since I've not read the handbook section you mention, I can't
say if it's duplicate info or not.  But this was pretty good stuff,
as Michael's stuff always seems to be....

Thanks for your reply. In going over everything again, I finally figured out I had made a dumb mistake. I have a small root partition (500 MB) and normally symlink /var to /var/usr. However in this case, I hadn't made that symlink after restoring from a disk crash about a month ago. So there was not enough room in /var/crash to create the dump. 'savecore' was keeping me from shooting myself in the foot. :)



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