
I am writing here because OpenLDAP doesn't seem to have a list for user

I am building an address book, suffix "dc=domain, dc=tld". I have two

a) To get attributes such as "mail" I use the inetOrgPerson object
class. Further, since my contacts are personal contacts and not business
I wanted to use the residentialPerson object class to get postal address

It seems that the only difference from the organizationalPerson object
class is that "l" is required parameter, but, I get this error:

ldap_add: Internal (implementation specific) error (80)
        additional info: no structuralObjectClass operational attribute

for this entry:

dn: cn=First Lastname, ou=people, dc=domain, dc=tld
objectClass: top
objectClass: residentialPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
cn: First Lastname
sn: Lastname
l: somewhere

While if I change residentialPerson to organizationalPerson, I get no
error. I have found that I can add the residentialPerson if I remove
inetOrgPerson objectClass.

What causes the conflict?

b) In their infinite wisdom, those who defined the person and derivative
object classes did not add country to the list of possible attributes.
Adding this object class to the otherwise working entry:

dn: cn=First Lastname, ou=people, dc=domain, dc=tld
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: country
cn: First Lastname
sn: Lastname
l: somewhere
c: XX

I again get the error:

ldap_add: Internal (implementation specific) error (80)
        additional info: no structuralObjectClass operational attribute

I'd prefer not to go through the pain of defining my own schema from
scratch, obtain OID etc just for adding such a basic attribute, what is
the recommended "patch"?

Thanks! Erik
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