El día Monday, May 08, 2006 a las 03:23:30PM +0200, albi escribió:

> On Mon, 8 May 2006 07:14:05 -0600
> "Bryan Curl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > mutt sends mail as usual. Then,
> > fetchmail -S smtp.myispmailserver.net
> > 
> > The mail bounces from myispmailserver.net with an error like
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (my private domain) is urecognized domain. (exact
> > message escapes me at this time)
> > 
> > The question is how do I tell mutt to send all mail out through '
> > smtp.myispmailserver.net'?
> > Or maybe I need to configure sendmail or fetchmail differntly?
> sometimes i use mutt, this is the part in my .muttrc to get the 
> from-address right :
> set sendmail="/usr/sbin/sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] -oi -oem"

Of course, you have to configure 'fetchmail' (normaly done
in a file ~/.fetchmailrc) for fetching and sendmail for
outgoing mail; in the M4-based rules files to generate the
sendmail's submit.cf you may use something like

        define(`SMART_HOST', `[smtp.myispmailserver.net]')dnl

to put all outbound mail to your ISP.

Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC PICA GmbH
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