On Thu, May 11, 2006 at 04:20:33AM -0500, Philip Hallstrom wrote:
> >I'm rather tired of having to update firefox port due security fixes and 
> >then having to build the new versions of
> >glib, expat, and so on an so on, every one of which complains that tere 
> >are older versions of the lib installed.
> >
> >I've tried pkg_delete -f and install of the newer version, but then all 
> >the binaries in the system started complaining
> >because they don't find the exact version of the shared library they are 
> >compiled with.
> >
> >What's the intelligent way of dealing with the problem?
> >(Prefferably the one which does not include downloading 600+ MB of source 
> >every time :-( )
> portupgrade...
> something close to portupgrade -rR firefox and you're done.
> i usually run with a -n first to see what it wants to upgrade...

portmanager is also good for this sort of thing.

 # portmanager www/firefox -f -l

will do pretty much the same thing as Philip's portupgrade command.

If you keep your distfiles around, then you will only need to download
any source files that have changed since last build (This applies to
both portupgrade and portmanager).  To help keep on top of distfiles and
packages, you can use the portsclean utility that is installed as part
of portupgrade.  (I have both ports installed on my machines, as both
are very useful.)



Daniel Bye

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