
I'm having this problem with Firefox / Mozilla 1.7.13

I check that the links it's correct and also reinstalled linuxpluginwrapper
and copied libmap.conf to /etc.

But when I try to see a pdf file with both browsers launched from command
line, I just get this message:

bash2-2.05b$ firefox
Usage: gv [OPTION]... [FILE]
PostScript and PDF viewer.
 --monochrome               display document using only black and white
 --grayscale                display document without colors
 --color                    display document as usual
 --safer                    start ghostscript in safe mode
 --nosafer                  do not start ghostscript in safe mode
 --quiet                    start ghostscript with the -dQUIET option
 --noquiet                  do not start ghostscript with the -dQUIET
 --arguments=ARGS           start ghostscript with additional options as
                            by the string ARGS
 --page=LABEL               display the page with label LABEL first
 --center                   the page should be centered automatically
 --nocenter                 the page should not be centered automatically
 --media=MEDIA              selects the paper size to be used
 --orientation=ORIENTATION  sets the orientation of the page
 --scale=N                  selects the scale N
 --scalebase=N              selects the scale base N
 --swap                     interchange the meaning of the orientations
                            and seascape
 --noswap                   do not interchange the meaning of the
                            landscape and seascape
 --antialias                use antialiasing
 --noantialias              do not use antialiasing
 --dsc                      dsc comments are respected
 --nodsc                    dsc comments are not respected
 --eof                      ignore the postscript EOF comment while
 --noeof                    do not ignore the postscript EOF comment while
                            scanning documents
 --pixmap                   use backing pixmap
 --nopixmap                 do not use backing pixmap
 --watch                    watch the document file for changes
 --nowatch                  do not watch the document file for changes
 --help                     print a help message and exit
 --usage                    print a usage message and exit
 --resize                   fit the size of the window to the size of the
 --noresize                 do not fit the size of the window to the size
of the page
 -geometry [<width>][x<height>][{+-}<xoffset>{+-}<yoffset>]
 --ad=FILE                  read and use additional resources from FILE
 --style=FILE               read and use additional resources from FILE.
These resources
                            have lower priority than those provided on the
context of --ad
 --spartan                  shortcut for --style=gv_spartan.dat
 --version                  show gv version and exit

And the browsers don't do anything else...

I have reinstalled Mozilla and got the same result.... maybe need to
reinstall linuxwrapper/plugger/mozilla/firefox in certain order to fix this?

On 5/9/06, Alexandre Biancalana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

# cd /usr/ports/www/linuxpluginwrapper
# make all install clean
# cp /usr/local/share/examples/linuxpluginwrapper/libmap.conf-FreeBSD6

restart your firefox and open "about:plugins" url to see your installed

On 5/8/06, cblasius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> I've a problem with plugin to view PDF file in firefox. Could someone
> help me?
> Wehen I run firefox from command line I obtain this message:
> LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library
> /usr/X11R6/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/ENU/Browser/intellinux/nppdf.so
> [/usr/X11R6/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/ENU/Browser/intellinux/nppdf.so: Undefined
> symbol "XtCalloc"]
> Best regards,
> cblasius

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