On Mon, 15 May 2006 15:21:12 +0200 (CEST)
justin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have squirrel mail installed only i can not log in.
> The error message i recieve is like this:
> Bad request: The IMAP server is reporting that plain text logins are 
> disabled. Using CRAM-MD5 or DIGEST-MD5 authentication instead may
> work. Also, the use of TLS may allow SquirrelMail to login. Please
> contact your system administrator and report this error.
> I`m using imap-uw server and i have no idee where to change these
> options. Maybe someone can help me where to look.

if your imap-server is supporting SSL or TLS, then you can re-run the
configure-script for squirrelmail and enable that for squirrelmail

(there's also an option in the config-script to choose the
specific imap-server you're using, that might be useful to use anyway
if you didn't do that already)

grtjs, albi
gpg-key: lynx -dump http://scii.nl/~albi/gpg.asc | gpg --import
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