:) just another comment about quotas in emails.. (though its also not for sendmail) you might also want to check QMAIL. theres a very nice installation guide for FreeBSD in http://freebsd.qmailrocks.org/ you'll just have to follow the step-by-step installation and in the end you'll have a nice web-based interface for maintaining users/virtual domains, with spam/virus filtering and other stuff :)

Gil A. Virtucio
Asia Solution Phillippines Inc.
28/F Antel Global Corporate Center
3 Doña Julia Vargas Avenue,
Ortigas Center, Pasig
Office # : +63-2-687-0692 loc. 103
Mobile # : +63-916-3989695
----- Original Message ----- From: "patrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Marwan Sultan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 2:02 AM
Subject: Re: quota and /var/mail

If you want to only have one set of quotas, you might consider
switching to a Postfix/Maildir setup where your users' inboxes will be
located in their home folder rather than in /var/mail.

It's a fairly easy switch: install Postfix from
/usr/ports/mail/postfix, and then you just need to configure one line
in your Postfix's main.cf to turn on Maildir support:


Though, there might be a bit of a learning curve with respect to the
differences between Sendmail and Postfix to convert the rest of your
configuration over. It all depends on how complicated your current
setup is.


On 5/23/06, Marwan Sultan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Mike,

  Thank you again for your support, this is the output of mount and fstab

# Device                Mountpoint      FStype  Options         Dump
/dev/ad0s1b             none            swap    sw              0       0
/dev/ad0s1a             /               ufs     rw              1       1
/dev/ad0s1e             /tmp            ufs     rw              2       2
/dev/ad0s1f             /usr            ufs     rw,userquota,groupquota
    2       2
/dev/ad0s1g             /var            ufs     rw              2       2
/dev/acd0c              /cdrom          cd9660  ro,noauto       0       0
proc                    /proc           procfs  rw              0       0
$ mount
/dev/ad0s1a on / (ufs, local)
/dev/ad0s1e on /tmp (ufs, local, soft-updates)
/dev/ad0s1f on /usr (ufs, local, with quotas, soft-updates)
/dev/ad0s1g on /var (ufs, local, soft-updates)
procfs on /proc (procfs, local)

I just want the quota to read the Shell user (home directory) size plus the
INBOX mails
which stay in /var/mail/$UserName

  Currently the quota reads the home directory and ignores the $inbox
  Thak you mike


>At 07:37 PM 21/05/2006, Marwan Sultan wrote:
>>  No when I enabled quota I did the configuration on /usr
>>  shall i enable it on /var to?
>>  then how to make the sendmail or the shell reads the user quota on his
>>home directory and
>>  his /var/mail/$username ?
>         It all depends on how you have it mounted.  Quotas follow the
>partition. So if you have /var/mail as its own partition, you need to do >it >there. If you have /var/mail as a subdirectory of /var than do it on >/var.
>What is the contents of /etc/fstab on the box ?
>>  if webmin can read the home directory quota and add to it the
>>/var/mail/$userInbox size
>>  then for sure I can do it some how?
>I dont use webmin so I am not sure how it calculates things.
>         ---Mike
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