On Wed, 31 May 2006 11:08:33 +0200
David Landgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Having built an Apache 2.0.58 from ports and watching it run, I realise 
> that I forgot to include mod_negotiation. Is it possible to return the 
> the ports directory, rebuild the package,

it comes installed by default.in the precompiled package, in case you havent
done any tweaking of the build params

> this time with the addition 
> module, and simply take the built mod_negotation.so and add it to the 
> libexec/apache2 directory?

as root, edit /var/db/ports/apache20/options, set to true the one you want (or
add it if not there). If you cant figure which one it is, delete that dir
in /var/db/ports and run make config in the port dir. Then :

cd /usr/ports/www/apache20
apachectl stop
make deinstall
make reinstall
apachectl start

> Either that, or is there a more general method within the ports 
> framework of taking a mod_*.c file and converting it to a DSO for 
> inclusion with httpd after the fact? 

there may be if building apache from source outside of ports. For me it's not
worth the effort of trying to figure it out each time.

> I.e, if possible I would like to 
> avoid reinstalling the httpd world, but on the other hand, I don't want 
> the new .so file to cause a segfault because of some sort of API mismatch.

you'd only have to build apache again (not that bad)... there are actually 116
different mod_ ported individually... it would be cool to have the default ones
that come w/apache too :)

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