Alex wrote:

The glibc you have might just do fine.  Just make a symlink from the one
you want to the one you have and try!

Jim Stapleton wrote:

The problem is I don't already have one, though there is a reply to my
other post that I'll be looking at in a few minutes, maybe something
will be there. I updated the locate db, and tried to locate "glibc",
but I only found documentation, and a few bin (not lib) compat files
that look like they are meant to upgrade something, but creat no
glibc. What I was considering was linking my "" file (no "g")
to a glibc file in compat.

glibc is the name of the "package" (gnu libc) but the actual library is called, at least on the Linux machine I just looked at. Are you sure the app is looking for glibc? Trying to link the compat/linux/lib/libc -> glibc is worth a try (just don't link to the FreebSD libc), but I don't think it's right. Generally, all libraries have to start with "lib" or the linker doesn't know how to find them.


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