Mike Galvez wrote:

No small thing you need to consider when choosing Dell is that they DO NOT 
FreeBSD. They support Windows and Red Hat Linux. If the machine is not 
and the OS is not one of the above, they will not send parts or a technician.

I found this out the hard way and had to load Linux on a spare drive just to 
a piece of hardware was failing. They wasted a lot of my time. The cheaper cost 
their hardware was easily outweighed by the wasted hours of my time.
Disclaimer: fingers crossed we have yet to have a hardware problem or need Dell's support. Also, my experience of their "technical support" as a private purchaser of a laptop, was absolutely lousy. My only consolation was that their being so atrocious cost them more money than they could possibly have made on the laptop. I have been told that they are better for business class customers but have no proof.

The 2850 servers we purchased came with Dell diagnostics on slice 1 - running Windows 95 I think! It would seem especially prudent when running a non-supported OS in any production environment to keep those diagnostics intact. BSD will happily install on slices 2-4 and auto boot from whichever you last booted from, so the diags can stay invisible until you need them.


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