Rico Secada wrote:
Being an experienced BSD user who on a daily basis gives support to other 
people using BSD, wether FreeBSD, OpenBSD or NetBSD, I hardly think this has to 
do with FreeBSD.

This rather sounds like a typical MS whiner, who hasn't really got around to 
actually understand what he is doing. In some situations there are hardware 
complications, which again hasn't got anything to do with FreeBSD but rather is 
based upon hardware vendores keeping others than MS from using their hardware.

Long story short, stop whining and just go back to MS Windows. Nobody cares!

On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 22:51:00 -0400
"Fernando Pinguelo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am writing to you because I need to vent. I have tried installing version 5.3 
of FreeBSD on a Pentium III machine. I thought I succeeded in doing it so, but 
when I tried to build xOrg I realized that I did not have all the ports 
installed and that some other dependencies were also missing. I realized then 
that the installation had not been as successful as I first thought.
So, I tried to re-install the ports from the CD, since I didn't have an 
Internet connection to that machine. Well, I kept getting more and more 
hardware/software errors. I then tried to upgrade FreeBSD to version 6.1. And 
that was what I did; I tried.

Well, I kept getting more errors, as usual. The more I tried to install/reinstall/upgrade/fix FreeBSD, the more I was realizing that anything that had to do with FreeBSD that could go wrond would go wrong, be it the software installation or hardware behavior. The amount of work and headache that I have been experiencing to move a single 'inch' towards a working Unix environment has been enourmously frustating. The worst part of it all is that I have not accomplished anything tangible at all.
I think now it is time for this boy to abandon the 'Unix' bandwagon for good 
and move back to MS Windows. At least I will be able to concentrate on doing 
real productive work, instead of dealing with temperamental hardware and 
software every time I touch the PC.

Good luck to those heroic individuals who stick with the configuration fight to the end. I failed to see the 'Power to Serve'.

   Whatever floats your boat.
Also, if you want to complain about this in the future, I suggest using another method maybe, like a blog or diary since most people don't really earnestly take what you write in email to heart, esp. when you complain about a topic on a list which advocates that topic. Then again this shouldn't have really been written to this list, anyhow since this is a complaint and not a question =P. Next time you should ask before giving up as well; you'd be amazed at how diligently people would try to assist you with your issue.
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