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lewiz wrote:
| On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 09:53:02PM +1100, Talon wrote:
|>My question is how do i ping out from the inside of the jail after i
|>have logged in.
| You cannot ping anywhere from inside a jail. You'll get ``ping: socket:
| Operation not permitted''. Don't ask me why, I just know it's the case
| ;)
| -lewiz.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hi Again

Thanks for the reply .. :)

Yes you are right i dredged up some old jail questions in
freebsd-questions mailing lists from google :)

I still seem to have the prob with no rl0 interface in the jail ..
and cannot make any outbound conection from inside the jail.

I am running ipf with default block from the kernel
but allow all packets in and out from rl0 lo0

Is there a good doc on jail setup or troubleshooter on the www that
anyone knows of ?

Regards Talon

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