On 2006-07-06 16:46, Didier Tickell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm so un-terminal savy - Is there an app with a GUI that does FAT
> formatting on macs, like the newfs_msdos command you made ?
> Thanks for your time
> frustrated person...

The solution to this problem is not, of course, to start slapping GUI
wrappers around newfs_msdos, but to read about newfs_msdos and become
acquainted with its options.

You don't *have* to be ``un-terminal savy'', whatever that means.

Have you tried firing up a terminal, and typing:

        % man newfs_msdos

The manpages are a huge wealth of information, and there are so many
tools that have neat command-line options that it would be a terrible
waste to miss them all because you didn't check the manpages :)

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