On 2006-07-11 14:11, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>--- Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I just tested here, with the CVS mirroring account I have at this
>> workstation, by:
> [snip]
>> and when I su(1) to this account, the .profile is used by bash!
> There is no question that .profile is sourced when I log in.  It is
> sourced.  It is only not sourced when I invoke aterm from within
> .xnitrc:
> aterm -ls -e screen &

Aha.  I think I'm getting somewhere.

If I run xterm with the -e option, regardless of -ls being present or
not, the shell used to spawn the -e command is *NOT* a login shell.

This way, when I run:

        xterm                   => not login shell

        xterm -ls               => login shell

        xterm -e /bin/sh        => not login shell

        xterm -ls -e /bin/sh    => not login shell either

So it's not the -ls option that is causing your aterm windows to be
non-login shells, but it looks like it is the -e option that does this.

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