I am running Xorg under FBSD 5.4 with a 
1600x1200 19inch monitor. I am also running xfs
to serve fonts. 

According to log file Xorg.0.log the screen 
resolution is discovered:
(**) NV(0): DPI set to (119, 119)

But if I call an xterm with:
% xterm -fn '-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1'
then it uses a font significantly smaller than 12pt.
If however I specifically nominate the screen resolution:
% xterm -fn '-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--*-120-120-120-*-*-iso8859-1'
then it comes out about right.

This is not really a problem as I can set acceptable 
fonts for xterm using .Xdefaults.

The real problem comes with open office:-

When running openoffice.org-2.0.2, compiled from ports, 
the user interface fonts (menus, dialogs, etc.) have 
an even worse problem. The help documentation claims 
that these (on 100% scaling) are 12pt however I find 
the actual displayed size is very close to 8pt, which 
for my aging eyes is far too small for comfort. Would 
this be related to the failure to apply the the screen 
resolution in the fonts used by xterm? The fonts in the 
actual application content display correct size. 

Importantly, how can I get around this problem of the 
user interface font size in open office?

I have managed to change the user interface font family
to the fully scalable serif font 'nimbus roman no 9 l'
in place of the ghastly sans-serif default but I can't
find any way to set the size used except by changing the 
view scaling which acts on the application content as well 
as the user interface. And even at the maximum setting of 
130% the user interface is still unpleasantly small.

I have found that I can alter the scaling to 150% or 160% 
by manually editing one of the initialisation files which
makes the user interface fairly comfortable but leaves the 
application content and rulers way over size.

Can anyone please help?

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