On 8/26/06, shankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I quote you from your page:
"Commercial entities engaged in FreeBSD-related enterprises are also
encouraged to contact us. "

I am a software writer, my website is http://www.shankar-software.org
I want to port my business software to other operating systems.  Linux
the obvious first choice.  After studying it for the past one month I am
vexed by the gnu licenses covering their glibc libraries.  It seems that if
I want
to port my software to linux, I have to write my own libc libraries (which
is a highly
time consuming effort) or not-object to giving my software under terms that
strips me of all rights.

Use QT: http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt
If you buy a commercial license from trolltech you can do whatever you
want with your software, plus QT runs on every popular OS; Qt/Windows,
Qt/X11, and Qt/Mac. The KDE project uses QT.

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