Gary Kline wrote:
On Sat, Sep 02, 2006 at 10:25:01PM -0400, Jerold McAllister wrote:
Gary Kline writes:
On Sat, Sep 02, 2006 at 08:33:44AM -0700, Atom Powers wrote:
If it's only the data you want, try a FreeSBIE boot disk. That will
give you access to the file system/network, so you can recover your
        Where can I get this FreeSBIE boot disk?  Is it a floppy or can I
        burn a CDROM?  I have a "burner" on my new Ubuntu box, but have
never burned anything but an audio CD. <OPINION>
                This is one of the myriad things I've never heard of,
                but sounds like it should be shipped with each CD boxed
set... </OPINION>
It is.  I think all you have to do is boot the regular CD and
select live system or something like that (I don't remember the
exact label in the menu, but it should be apparent.   Then you
can mount the other disk[s] and try to rescue things.
The key is "try to rescue". After fscking my filesystems I tried a reboot and ran into the fatal trap. Now I'm back i
        fixit mode.   What I really want is to get the data files off
        and over to another servr.  Havng /etc/* and maybe /var/db/pkg/*
        would be a big help.  Then I could reinstall 5.3  ->5.5 and
        finally over to 6.1.

        If anybody nearby who understands the FreeSBIE boot disk  can
        stop by in the next week or two, that'd be great.   Are there
        ways to scp from the # Fixit environment?  Or ways to recompile
        kernel and world frm here?
   Try chrooting in the FreeBSIE environment on the mounted device, e.g.:

   mkdir /mnt/fbsd_root
   mount /dev/da0s1a /mnt/fbsd_root
#mount other filesystems here--make sure that the path is relative to /mnt/fbsd_root and follows the same sort of rules as specified in /mnt/fbsd_root/etc/fstab! chroot /mnt/fbsd_root /bin/tcsh # insert your shell of choice available here.

You need to make sure that all devices are mounted properly ('/', '/usr/', '/var', etc), and the /dev filesystems are mounted in the chroot environment before continuing. This is basically what users do when installing Gentoo Linux, and I don't think that you should have an issue with it when trying to upgrade and fix your FreeBSD system because the principle is the same. Not sure how to do the devfs filesystems, but I'm sure someone has an idea of how it's done; IIRC it was done by the kernel somehow.
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