On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Mike Loiterman wrote:

> On Wednesday, January 08, 2003 5:54 PM Stephen Hovey <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >> I think you're right.  So should I just define the drive correctlt in
> >> fdisk?  If so, what would be the proper settings.
> >
> > usually a drive has em on the drive on something - a sticker/label
> > sorta thing with head, cyl, sect, etc
> Ok I found out the proper numbers:
> 39704  cyls, 16 heads, 63 sectors.
> I defined it that way in the BIOS.
> When I get to the fdisk part of the install I did 'G'.  I then set
> the geometry according to those numbers and told it to use the
> entire drive.  When I go to define the slices, though, it still
> thinks the drive is only 2 gigs.  What am I doing wrong?
> Mike Loiterman
> PGP Key 0xD1B9D18E
> http://www.ascendency.net

Maybe this will work? Set it up in BIOS to be a 2 GB disk. Boot from
the floppy/CD, and in fdisk you should give the proper numbers. Create
two partitions. The first one to boot from, that should be less than 2
GB, and the second should be the rest of the disk. Now create your
slices in the two partitions, and of course / should be on the first
one. Maybe this layout could be sufficient for you?
Partition 1  (2 GB): /      256 MB
                     (swap) 2*RAM
                     /var   The rest of the available space...
Partition 2 (18 GB): /usr  18 GB

Also make sure the jumpers are correctly set on the drive. Sometimes
the jumpers can be set to fake the disk size reported to the BIOS.

Hope above information will make it work!

Best regards,

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