Thank you very much for your reply :-)

David Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
On Sep 16, 2006, at 3:29 PM, David Fontenot wrote:

> To whom it may concern,
>   Currently, I am using Ubuntu Linux 6.06 and it is really a let- 
> down after I got it when I realized that Ubuntu does not do well  
> with 28.8kbs/56kbs modems.  It will not let me use my modem.

"Cheap" is the buzzword for internal modems. "Windows only" is a  
common way to make cheap modems, aka, "winmodem". I have never used  
FreeBSD with a winmodem but understand there is a way to use some  
models. Has been many years since, but have used FreeBSD over dialup  
external modem with many years of success.

Generally one finds better support for Windows-specific hardware with  
Linux than FreeBSD. Linux seems to want badly to supplant Microsoft  
Windows and to that goal developers will work to equal every minutia.  
FreeBSD says, "Bill who?, Bill Joy?"

>        I was wondering how Free-bsd does with dial-up modems (2  
> year old computer) and highspeed interenet, (I might get high speed  
> soon).

Unless things have changed, FreeBSD works perfectly with external  
modems using PPP protocol to your ISP.

>   P.S. If my family did share a high speed internet connection,  
> could I still connect to their network and share the internet, even  
> if they are both using Windows XP?

Yes. Either an XP machine can "share" its internet connection  
(presumably you will use ethernet) or your FreeBSD system can do the  
same for the others. "Internet" is not yet a Microsoft-proprietary  
protocol, quite the opposite as Unix shares its internet protocols  
with Microsoft.

Sent from MacOS X thru a "shared" network using a FreeBSD gateway.

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