On Tuesday 19 September 2006 03:34, jekillen wrote:
> Hello;
> Since I have been advised by way of correspondence with  UUASC (Unix
> Users of Association of Southern California)
> that changing the root shell in FreeBSD is not advised and I have two
> machines up and running and a third on the
> way, I have purchased a text from (I don't know if it is appropriate
> for this list to mention the publisher by name but
> it is closely connected to the publisher of Absolute BSD).
> Has anyone any comments regarding this text based on familiarity (Using
> Csh and Tcsh). I noticed the publication
> date is 1995. It's a manual of sorts, I'll read it before stumbling
> around on lists for answers to awk ward questions.

IIRC csh *is* the default root shell. 

What you shouldn't do is set a shell installed from packages as the root 
shell, such as bash. 
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