A bit long...
FreeBSD 4.3 running with IPFW and NATD 
One of the IP addresses is redirected to the apache/tomcat/java server. 
"redirect_address a.b.c.d" 
No other fancy proxy stuff or fw rules. 

Clients on the internal network have no problems with the internal server. 
Access to the internal server from the Internet works fine except for some java

Java server is: 
HP-UX 11 
Apache 1.3 

The Java support person sent this reply to our query: 
> You'll probably want to get together with your network 
> architect (me)and have 
> him sniff the packets you are sending/receiving to see the 
> origination and 
> destination addresses.  Either the firewall is restricting 
> the IP address, 
> or the address is being translated incorrectly. 
He went on to describe how another client had a simalar problem with a
load/balancer and that when they turned off Nat it worked fine - not an option
in this situation.

I tcpdumped  the inside card of the firewall and can see the point where the
java server attempts to send a request for information from it's own re-directed
public IP. It goes like this.

Internet client: w.x.y.z 
Firewall public IP: a.b.c.d redirected to the inside java box. 
inside Java IP: 

Keep in mind I'm sniffing the inside card of the firewall so 'in what little is
left of my mind' everything is translated already. 
Client initiates: 
from: w.x.y.z 
Client gets onto the web pages fine then attempts to run one of the java
from: w.x.y.z 

The server was then doing it's reflux thing which tried to get further 
java/url stuff from whatever server the client initiated 
To: a.b.c.d 
from: <= Java box attempts to 'reach' it's public IP. 

At this point the client gets an error 'Form not found' 

So, is this really a NATD problem or could it actually be a problem in one of
the Java server configs ? And if so where do I look, I'm neither an Apache
tomcat or java expert.

I tried aliasing the public IP on the Java box but that didn't help. 

Thanks in advance, J

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