Robert C Wittig wrote:
> Rob Gabaree wrote:
>> Thanks.
>> What I did was remove all lines except `sendmail_enable="NO"` and in
>> /etc/mail/aliases, I setup the root alias to goto my real email address:
>> I setup my firewall to block incoming/outgoing email on ports 21/25 as
>> well, so no one on the outside can access mail services.
>> It seems to be working correctly, as I received mail as it was ran to
>> my email.
>> Does this seem ok?  Did I do anything wrong?
> I run OpenBSD on my mailservers, but I expect that the sendmail works
> basically the same.
> In /etc/rc.conf or its FreeBSD equivalent, check the sendmail line to
> see if it references or
> will permit internal mail on the machine, so that root can
> send messages to your everyday UID, etc., but will not permit mail to be
> sent to or received from, the Internet, or other machines in you LAN.
> will permit full Internet email, but even this will not
> permit Internet email, unless your machine has a fully Qualified Domain
> Name, which is registered with your domain registrar, and has the
> Registrar's MX setting configured properly.

Uh -- the way OpenBSD deals with sendmail is a bit different to the way
FreeBSD does.

Under FreeBSD, rc.conf settings are used to prevent sendmail from
listening on any network interfaces than the loopback.  Otherwise
exactly the same would be used for either case.  FreeBSD
also has all of the machinery required to rebuild the .cf files from
the .mc files setup and available directly from /etc/mail.  The system
defaults to creating $(hostname).mc and $(hostname) files if
none exist already and then turning those into and



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       7 Priory Courtyard
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