
On Sep 26, 2006, at 8:40 AM, Don Munyak wrote:

re: ezjails, jails

Hopefully a quick question. I am researching using EZJails from

But a little confused by the jail concept.

I think I need to setup two jails, one(1) for email services and
one(1) for www services, on a single server.

That will work

q. If I am running a webserver for more than one(1) domain, should I
be using a single jail for each domain, or is one jail needed for
'ALL' www processing ?

Up to you. Each jail requires its own IP address. There are things that people do with jails with private IPs and packet forwarding and stuff, but to keep it simple, consider that each jail needs an IP address (public). If you have lots of them, and if each domain is something someone else runs, or is based on totally different SW, then you might consider separating them. If you own and run each domain and they use a similar SW menu, then you may just run them out of one jail using apache virtual hosts.

q. If I am using a jail for each domain, does this imply loading
apache+php+mysql, for each www jail ?

Yes. There are ways to share but until you are comfortable with jails and what you are doing, it is easier to just load each one up separately.

We run a ton of jails, one for each customer, and we share SW across them in our own "/usr/public" read only area with each jail having its own /usr/local/etc but to get it to work requires some configuration work and understanding how it all works and some other trickery...

q. Likewise with email and multiple domains, does multiple domains =
multiple email jails, as well as multiple copies of smtp, pop3,
webmail ??

You could but in most cases there is no reason to do that. Run them all in 1 jail using one set of SW. Set up your SMTP server to support multiple domains (I recommend exim).

q. Email and WWW services both require MySQL. Would I be installing
MySQL 'x' number of times?

Depends on how the SW accesses mysql but you can run multiple mysql DBs out of one installation...


What I want to do is he following:

We are a small company, so email traffic is minial..ie. less than 500
messages per day.
Likewise, www traffic is also minimal.
I want to build a single server to be located at a co-location facility.
This server would support both email and www services.

The email services would be built using instructions from
...that being stuff like qmail, RBL, spamassassin, clamav...etc
We have 5 separate domains for email services
The www services would be functionally similiar to LAMP
We have 5 separate domains for www

I would greatly appreciate any links or advice towards achiving my goals.

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Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at shire.net

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