To anyone on-list who has heard of the RFB&D <>,
        they provide 4-track cassettes (at 15/16ips) for audiobooks
        for the blind and dislexic.  They have begun to switch to some
        kind of encrypted digital CD's, much more efficient that tape..
        Today is the first I heard of the new CD stuff.

        Among the commerialware for th Mac and PeeCee at "eClipse
        Reader Software" (PC), "Victor Reader Soft Macintosh", and 
        "EaseReader" (PC).  

        Does anybody know what these utilities do?  Some are over 
        $150.  If there is a freeware version in the Unix realm, would
        somebody kindly let me know?

        thanks in advance,


   Gary Kline     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Public service Unix

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