On 28/9/06 01:42, "Ahmad Arafat Abdullah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "FreeBSD Questions" <freebsd-questions@freebsd.org>
>> Subject: Downgrade from 6.2 PR to 6.1 RELEASE?
>> Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 16:46:42 -0700
>> I felt I should ask this question before taking a drastic action. I
>>   built this new production system complete with jail (which I can
>> recreate very quickly) and all was running perfectly under 6.2
>> PRERELEASE. I was planning taking a chance and going production
>> (against common wisdom of running 6.2 PRERELEASE in production).
>> Yesterday I decided to cvsup and rebuild one more time and
>> discovered  a glaring problem on this AMD64 Tyan s4882. It can't
>> reboot with the  reboot command or shutdown -r about 75% of the
>> time, it hangs between  the uptime output and where it states
>> Rebooting, then requires a  manual reset to get going again. This
>> tells me I have to fall back or  will create a nightmare for
>> production use. Presuming I can live with  certain driver issues on
>> 6.1 RELEASE P6, are there any serious  dangers or unique procedures
>> in going backward, to RELENG_6_1 from  RELENG_6 that suggest it
>> would be better to just start from scratch?  I've not fallen back
>> from CURRENT to a RELEASE, this will be my first  time.
> maybe u can give it a try, why not? same like my case, and it's weird..
> when i upgraded my box to 6.2-PRERELEASE, something weird happens.. i can't
> login to my KDE ( my KDE is up and running ) using my user+pass, surprisingly
> i add one more user+pass and it's can logged in!

Can you report that to [EMAIL PROTECTED] please?  We're building 6.2-BETA2
this weekend and it would be nice to fix this before 6.2-RELEASE if it's a
wider issue.

That must be wonderful!  I don't understand it at all.
                                      -- Moliere

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