On Fri, Sep 29, 2006 at 03:15:50PM -0400, Jason Lixfeld wrote:

> Not claiming to know much about anything, but can't seem to get this  
> to compile.  The only things that stand out are the preprocessor  
> error (which I don't know enough about to even begin to troubleshoot)  
> and the tiffio.h no such file error.  I can vouch for the existence  
> of the tiffio.h in /usr/local/include, but not sure if that's  
> actually where it's trying to find it.

It's not, as the lack of -I/usr/local/include says.  This is supposed
to be provided by the port Makefile:

CFLAGS+=        -I${LOCALBASE}/include

so make sure all files in the port are up-to-date and you have made no
other changes yourself.

If you still have problems, your first point of call for port problems
should be the port maintainer, since they're the ones who have
volunteered to help users with problems about that port.


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