On Sun, Aug 27, 2006 at 01:04:54PM +0500, ?????????? ?????????????? wrote:
> I'm a junior in FreeBSD, and I faced with problem.

You should know that others have mailers that are thread enabled. This
means that when you compose a new mail, but you that the reply sort cut
others may not read this, because it end up in the list.

I redirected the mail to questions@ becuase this is not related to the
stable development brance.

> I've a FreeBSD 6.1-stable box as a gate+firewall, and I want to divert
> incoming requests to my web-server, placed in DeMilitarized Zone
> (DMZ). To do this I wrote down settings in /etc/rc.conf as shown
> above:
>       natd_flags="-redirect_port tcp 80 80"
>       natd_flags="-redirect_poort tcp 443 443"

You proberbly can not have two lines. 

> I think, that all packets incoming from Internet will be diverted from
> the External interface via DMZ interface to my We-server. Is it right?
> If not, why not, and what the way to make it working?

Yes, but you made some mistakes:
1. You have two lines, where only one is allowed.
2. The file format is wrong: should be tcp forward_ip:port port
3. You made a typo
4. Did you setup ipfw?

I've done this with a seperate config file.

natd_flags="-f /etc/natd.conf"

/etc/firewall.conf contains:
add divert 8668 ip from any to any (note: src_ip and dst_ip changes
                                    here, so keep this in mind if you
                                    add rules)
add allow ip from any to any

/etc/natd.conf contains:
redirect_port tcp ip_to_goto:port local_port

Did you setup ipfw and directed packes to natd?

You also need to setup i

Please copy the original recipients, otherwise I may not read your reply.

Howtos based on my personal use, including information about 
setting up a firewall and creating traffic graphs with MRTG

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