On Wednesday 25 October 2006 20:18, Lane wrote:
> I guess I don't know how to ask google and "man fstab" the correct way ...
> How can I grant a non-root user the authority to mount (and then write to)
> a usb "key" drive? Especially when said user is already "up in" kde?
> The drive works fine if "root" mounts it, but I'd rather not be root when I
> do this on my laptop.  And opening a konsole window, "su"ing and then
> mounting , is cumbersome.
> I've been looking at "man devfs.rules," as this seems to be near the place
> I want to be.  But I haven't quite fingered out a way...
> Ya'll don't gotta just tell me the answer, if you don't want.  I'm a "man"
> man, so to speak.  I'm eager to look it up myself, only I don't rightly
> know whereinaheck to look.
> Thanks,
> lane

In /etc/devfs.rules I have:

add path 'da*' mode 0777

and in /etc/rc.conf I have:

and in /etc/fstab:
#user mounts for umass devices
/dev/da0s1              /home/myhome/usbdrive msdosfs rw,noauto       0 0

and it works in KDE.

FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #1: Sat Oct  7 15:11:02 EDT 2006     
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/CLK01A 
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