On Friday,  3 November 2006 at 19:56:00 +0800, ke han wrote:
> I need feedback from users with mysql 5.0.x (or even 4.1.x) in
> production on SMP systems. X86_64 Opteron is my platform.
> I have heard rumors of it not scaling and it crashes and odd errors
> Have these been worked out in the latest releases of freebsd and mysql?
> Any thoughts on this topic may help me substantially.
> If you cannot provide info publicly, private replies are fine...I
> just need some production level feedback.

I was involved in the investigation of these claims a while back.  We
were never able to establish any connection between the elements
FreeBSD and Opteron.  Some people with these combinations had
problems, but a very large majority reported that everything was OK.

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