On Fri, Nov 10, 2006 at 08:13:50AM +0700, Ferry Limanto wrote:
> Dear,
> I'm Ferry from ISP in Idonesia. I want to ask something. I want to start
> my squid, version 3 (squid -z), but the error message is: "/usr/libexec:
> ld-elf.so.1 : library libcrypt.so.2 not found". But in my library here
> was libcrypt.so.1 and libcrypt.so.3. Can you tell me where I can found
> this packages??
> Note :
>  I use FreeBSD 6.1 for my FreeBSD

You're running squid compiled for an older version of FreeBSD, so you
can either update to the version compiled against 6.x, or install the
compat5x package.


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